
Childhood Immunisations

Important Information for Parents

In Australia, childhood immunisations are recommended and funded by the National Immunisation Program (NIP), which provides free vaccines to all children under the age of 19. The NIP includes vaccines for diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B, polio, and meningococcal disease.

The practicing GP’s in the Carlingford Court Medical Centre facility are well equiped to provide immunisation services to the local Carlingford and Hills area children.

Catch-up schedules are often required for children who have fallen behind, or have relocated to Australia from another country.

If you have an immunisation history from another non English speaking country, you will need to firstly have the schedule translated into English.

An initial appointment is required, and the catch-up schedule is not arranged on the spot (usually a couple of days).

Fees apply for catch-up schedules to be arranged, ranging between $30-$50 gap.

Make an Appointment

Online Bookings

Your Doctor has registered for MyMedicare – now you can too!

Your Doctor has joined thousands of healthcare providers across Australia in registering in MyMedicare, a new voluntary registration system that will help formalise the relationship between your Doctor and you.